React Server Components: My Journey with Advanced Techniques and Best Practices

Kartikeya Mishra
5 min readAug 30, 2024


React Server Components Adoption and Performance Graph

As a front-end developer who's been in the trenches with React for years, I've seen my fair share of game-changing features. But let me tell you, React Server Components (RSC) have completely transformed how I approach web development. Today, I want to share my personal experiences and insights on advanced RSC techniques and best practices. Trust me, this isn't just another tech fad – it's a fundamental shift in how we build performant and secure web applications.

Why Server Components are Taking Over

• Flashback to 2021: I remember when the React team first introduced RSC. Like many, I was skeptical. Another new thing to learn? But boy, was I wrong to hesitate.

• The lightbulb moment: It hit me during a project for a fintech startup. We were struggling with initial load times and data fetching. Implementing RSC was like flipping a switch – suddenly, our app was blazing fast.

• The adoption curve: I've watched RSC go from "experimental" to "essential" in just a couple of years. Every React conf I've attended recently has been buzzing about it.

• Why it matters: In my experience, RSC bridges the gap between traditional server-rendering and the interactivity of SPAs. It's not just a feature; it's a new paradigm.

Advanced Techniques I've Learned the Hard Way

1. Optimizing Component Granularity
• The mistake: Initially, I made everything a server component. Rookie error.
• The lesson: Carefully consider which components truly benefit from server-side rendering.
• Pro tip: Use client boundaries wisely. I've found that forms and interactive elements are usually better as client components.

Here's an example of how I structure my components now:

// ServerComponent.js
import { db } from './database';

async function ServerComponent({ id }) {
const data = await db.query(`SELECT * FROM items WHERE id = $1`, [id]);
return <div>{}</div>;

// ClientComponent.js
'use client';

import { useState } from 'react';

export default function ClientComponent() {
const [count, setCount] = useState(0);
return (
<button onClick={() => setCount(count + 1)}>
Clicked {count} times

// App.js
import ServerComponent from './ServerComponent';
import ClientComponent from './ClientComponent';

export default function App({ id }) {
return (
<ServerComponent id={id} />
<ClientComponent />

2. Leveraging Streaming for Better UX
• Game-changer alert: Streaming with RSC has revolutionized how I handle large data sets.
• Real-world example: On an e-commerce project, we used streaming to load product details progressively. The perceived performance boost was incredible.
• Caution: Be mindful of how you structure your data flow. I learned that poor streaming implementation can lead to a janky user experience.

Here's a simplified example of how I implement streaming:

import { Suspense } from 'react';

function ProductDetails({ id }) {
return (
<Suspense fallback={<div>Loading product details...</div>}>
<AsyncProductInfo id={id} />

async function AsyncProductInfo({ id }) {
const product = await fetchProductDetails(id);
return <div>{} - ${product.price}</div>;

export default function ProductPage({ id }) {
return (
<h1>Product Page</h1>
<ProductDetails id={id} />

3. Efficient Data Fetching Patterns
• Old habit: I used to fetch all data at the top level. Big mistake with RSC.
• New approach: Now, I co-locate data fetching with the components that need it. It's cleaner and more efficient.
• Unexpected benefit: This pattern has made our codebase more maintainable. New team members can understand data flow much quicker.

Security Considerations That Kept Me Up at Night

• The wake-up call: A near-miss security incident made me realize RSC isn't automatically secure.

• Key learning: Always sanitize data, even if it's coming from a server component. Trust no one, not even yourself!

Here's a snippet showing how I handle data sanitization now:

import { sanitize } from 'dompurify';

async function UserProfile({ userId }) {
const userData = await fetchUserData(userId);
return <div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: sanitize( }} />;

• Authentication headaches: Figuring out how to handle authentication with RSC was tricky. JWT on the server, sessions on the client – it's a balancing act.

• CSRF protection: Don't forget about it! I certainly did, once. Never again.

Integrating with Microservices: A Tale of Triumph and Tears

• The challenge: Our monolith-to-microservices transition coincided with our RSC adoption. Talk about perfect storm.

• The approach: We ended up using RSC as a composition layer, fetching data from multiple microservices.

Here's a simplified version of how we structure our RSC with microservices:

async function ProductPage({ id }) {
const productDetails = await fetchFromProductService(id);
const userReviews = await fetchFromReviewService(id);
const relatedProducts = await fetchFromRecommendationService(id);

return (
<ProductDetails data={productDetails} />
<Suspense fallback={<div>Loading reviews...</div>}>
<UserReviews data={userReviews} />
<Suspense fallback={<div>Loading recommendations...</div>}>
<RelatedProducts data={relatedProducts} />

• The gotcha: Timeouts and fallbacks became crucial. One slow microservice could bottleneck the entire page render.

• The victory: After some tuning, we achieved a beautiful harmony between our microservices and RSC. Response times dropped by 40%.

Performance Optimizations That Made a Real Difference

1. Caching strategies
• Revelation: Proper caching with RSC is an art form. I'm still perfecting it.
• Technique: Implemented stale-while-revalidate pattern for certain components. Users always see something, even if it's not the freshest data.

Here's how I implement a basic caching strategy:

import { cache } from 'react';

const fetchWithCache = cache(async (id) => {
const res = await fetch(`${id}`);
return res.json();

export default async function CachedData({ id }) {
const data = await fetchWithCache(id);
return <div>{}</div>;

2. Code splitting
• Surprise finding: RSC doesn't eliminate the need for good old code splitting.
• Approach: We use dynamic imports for less critical server components. It's reduced our server load significantly.

3. Image optimization
• Quick win: Moved image optimization to the server side. The performance gains were immediate and substantial.

The Results Speak for Themselves

After implementing these advanced RSC techniques:
• Our core web vitals improved across the board.
• Server load reduced by 30%.
• User engagement metrics shot up – longer session durations and lower bounce rates.

Looking Ahead: What's Next for RSC?

• My prediction: RSC will become the default way to build React apps within the next two years.
• Exciting possibilities: I'm keeping an eye on how RSC might integrate with edge computing. The potential is mind-blowing.
• Word of caution: As RSC evolves, stay flexible. What's best practice today might be outdated tomorrow.

Conclusion: My Key Takeaways

• RSC is not just a feature; it's a fundamental shift in React development.
• The learning curve is steep, but the payoff is enormous.
• Security and performance go hand in hand with RSC – neglect neither.
• The React ecosystem is evolving rapidly. Stay curious and keep experimenting.

What's your experience with React Server Components? Have you encountered any challenges or discoveries I didn't mention? Let's continue this conversation in the comments!

#ReactServerComponents #WebPerformance #FrontEndDevelopment #ReactJS



Kartikeya Mishra

All about new technology in fun and easy way so that you can be confident in it and make your own piece of work using this knowledge !